Location: Pueblo, Colorado
Owner/Client: Pueblo Conservancy District, Mr. Rick Kidd, District Manager (719) 544-5239
Project Description: NorthStar Engineering and Surveying, Inc. was retained by Pueblo Conservancy District to field locate and map the Arkansas River Levee (approximately 2.8 miles) through Pueblo Downtown. NorthStar then developed recommendations for the reconstruction and remediation in accordance with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines. Modeling software was then used to analyze the existing drainage floodway for deficiencies and improvement alternatives. NorthStar was subsequently retained to design recommended levee reconstruction/remediation improvements including: concrete slope paving, excavation and stabilization of earth embankment, diversion structures and emergency access. Additionally, NorthStar was retained to provide project oversight and construction management and inspections. All improvements were designed to allow for construction over multiple project phases.
Below is a list of other Municipal and Utility Projects completed by NorthStar Engineering and Surveying, Inc.
Pueblo Conservancy District
- Levee Assessment Project and Topographic Survey and Conditional Analysis of Arkansas River Levee.
- Design of various components of the river trail system.
- Design of two pedestrian bridge crossings of the Arkansas River.
- ADA accessibility improvements to existing fishing docks and trails.
- Design of level control facilities and improvements to inlet and outlet structures at Runyon Lake.
Pueblo Housing Authority
- Oakshire Hills Phases 1 and 2 (single family affordable housing project).
- Ashwood Apartments (multi-family affordable housing project).
St. Charles Mesa Sanitation District
- Feasibility Study and Master Plan to provide municipal wastewater service to 9 square miles of developed but un-served area.
- Preliminary design of 70 miles of collection and outfall system piping.
- WWTF Site Application and New Technology Variance Request.
- Preliminary design of 1.0 MGD WWTF with site design for 3.0 MGD build-out.
Beulah Water Works District
- Design and construction administration of 500,000-gallon potable water storage tank.
- Design and construction administration of pretreatment sedimentation basin for WTP.
- Distribution system piping and fire hydrant upgrades.
- Prepare 10-year Capital Improvements Plan.
Pueblo West Metropolitan District
- Design and construction administration of two expansions to raw water pumping station at Pueblo Reservoir.
- Design and construction administration of new sanitary sewer lift station.
- Design and construction administration of two miles of sewer outfall line for new service area.
- Feasibility study for expansion versus relocation of existing WTP and booster pump station facilities.
YMCA Community Campus, Pueblo, CO
- Preliminary design of non-potable water storage, pumping, and distribution facilities for irrigation of golf course, ball fields, and soccer fields with treated effluent from off-site municipal (Pueblo West) WWTF.
Town of Springer, NM
- Design and construction administration of 500,000 gallon per day WWTF to replace existing unlined lagoon facility; project included headworks and lift station facilities.
- Design and construction administration of new lift station and force main for new service area.
Related Projects
- Lake Avenue Corridor Plan, Urban Renewal Authority of Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado.
- LeVert W. Hoag Memorial Building (Animal Shelter) for Pueblo County, Colorado.
- Blende Sanitation District – sewage lift stations.
- Echo Canyon Guest Ranch, La Veta, Colorado – fire protection system improvements.
- Signal Mountain Ranches Water Company – water booster pumps, storage facilities, and chemical treatment facilities.
- Pueblo Board of Water Works – WTP site surveys, construction staking, and surveys for new transmission lines.
- Affordable Residential Communities, Pueblo, Colorado – WWTF improvements for 380 unit mobile home park.
Pueblo Country Club – sewage disposal system for on-course restrooms.