Sante Fe Avenue Streetscape Improvements – Master Planning and Phase 1 and 2 - Municipal and Utility

Sante Fe Avenue Streetscape Improvements – Master Planning and Phase 1 and 2 – Municipal and Utility

Location: Santa Fe Avenue between 4th and 8th Streets,
Pueblo, Colorado
Owner/Client: Pueblo Downtown Association, Pueblo Planning
and Community Development Department,
Mr. Bill Zwick (719) 553-2246
Project Description: Due to the previous experiences of Kim Kock, P.E. with planning and design of streetscape improvement projects in Colorado Springs (Downtown Demonstration Project – Pikes Peak and Tejon, Colorado Avenue Gateway Redevelopment Project) the Pueblo Downtown Association hired NorthStar Engineering and Surveying, Inc. to prepare Conceptual Development Plans for Santa Fe Avenue between 4th and 8th Streets. That process involved numerous meetings with various project stakeholders and City staff over a period of approximately 18 months. NorthStar was subsequently hired by the City Planning Department to prepare final construction documents for Phases 1 and 2 of the project which included: public outreach, pedestrian safety and vehicular speed control improvements, handicap accessibility improvements, drainage improvements, utility relocations, street furniture and lighting, hardscape improvements, and landscaping.